WARM UP: Hump Day

Funny Ads

Picture of Jae Li
Funny Ads
by Jae Li - Friday, 17 July 2020, 8:59 AM

I love funny ads! Usually, something unreal and funny happens that keeps you wondering about the relationship between the ad and the actual product. At the end, this confusion attaches to your brain for a long time. I would certainly buy a product just because the advertisement gave me a good laugh. One of my favourite is about astronauts being attached by a monster. The monster gets rid of two and one astronaut hides. Then, this astronaut passes gas because he ate bean (the advertised product), and the monster finds him.  

Check it out here:

Picture of Charlotte Matthews
Re: Funny Ads
by Charlotte Matthews - Thursday, 3 September 2020, 11:06 AM

Hi Jae, 

You are right! Advertising relies on strong connections with the consumer and humor is very effective in creating that type of bond. That’s a hilarious commercial, btw!