Try a Free Mini Speaking Evaluation! 


Focus and direct your study through concentration on carefully selected grammar, vocabulary and intensive sample task review. This 100 hour program is a must for any struggling IELTS candidate that need to improve their score for immigration, education or employment purposes.  

By the end of the course, you will have reviewed and practiced each section of the speaking module, as well as many common themes used.  You will receive a mark for this section of the course based on completion and overall improvement.

Your speaking portfolio counts toward  15% of the final mark

By the end of the course, you will have reviewed and practiced each question type for both tasks 1 and 2 of the general training exam. You will receive a mark for this section of the course based on completion and overall improvement.

Your writing portfolio counts toward 15 % of the final mark

Practice even more sample questions or concepts taught in the course with these activities.

Complete the required sections in the Clearly IELTS Intermediate course before beginning these activities.  

Test Folders are worth __% of your final mark.