Features of Spoken English

7. Pausing

Think of pausing as your punctuation tool while speaking. 

Pausing, while speaking, acts like the comma or a period in writing. 

If you do not pause properly, the listener might not understand your message. 

If you do not pause, your sentence will sound like this:



"Anne finds pleasures in cooking her dog and her cat."

The speaker did not use appropriate pausing which causes the listener to misunderstand the message. According to this speaker, Anne likes to cook her dog and cat.   

With pausing, it will be easier for the listener to understand. 

Listen to the script again.



Because the speaker used appropriate pausing, it is easy to understand that Anne likes three things: cooking, her dog, and her cat.


The following transcript is spoken without any pauses, which makes it almost impossible to understand. 



When you add commas and periods, the text is going to be much easier to understand. 

listen to the transcript again with appropriate pausing.